Monday, February 1, 2010

Year Two. Exhausting the Brief. 'Experimental Book' Pt One

Project Brief: Experimental Book - 'Using a community as your inspiration, create a booklet and series of posters, expressing the importance of this community, and their practices and traditions. Also include found material and typography within your assignment.'

Brief Response: This design brief was one of my favourites. I decided to concentrate on the 'dead community' and based my assignment on St Thomas Rest Park in Cammeray (a loved area of mine in Sydney). It is a bit odd, but I have always had a huge fascination with graveyards. I can literally spend hours there. Choosing a community that I was extremely excited and inspired by allowed me to produce a project to my best ability. The three images above are the initial result of my experimentation. I did a large amount of collaging throughout this assignment; creating motifs and objects that I was able to use within my final assignment.

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