Sunday, January 31, 2010

Year Two. Exhausting the Brief. 'Monsters Inc' Pt Two

'Monsters Inc' Continued..

The main concept of the design is to portray how something so old and dirty can be something so fascinating. This design will be a symbol for all the particular places around Sydney that are regarded as a place to avoid. This series of creatures and cartoon like designs is a visual metaphor of how something so old, ugly and revolting can be transformed into an interesting and intriguing place.
The third design displays another repeat patterning system, which I have created using a heat press machine. The model-like figure has been transformed into a monsteresque creature. This again reiterates the main concept of design, creating something ordinary and disregarded into something interesting with unusual characteristics. The simple applique of red sequins onto the eyes added an element of colour throughout the design. The colour red was very dominant within this selected site, so using this colour was appropriate as it also draws the onlookers eye towards the design. The last design was created via the use of applique and leather was applied to the canvas, which was then overstitched with black mesh, which then was overstitched with a paper motif of a monster like creature. The repeat patterning was used to create the importance of characterisation. The main concept of this design was to personify the site and bring it to life.

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