Sunday, January 31, 2010

Year Two. Exhausting the Brief. 'Monsters Inc' Pt One

Project Brief: Urban Patterning. TEXTILE DESIGN

"This project requires you to select a specific site in 2010 (Post Code for Surry HIlls) and use this site as a reference for your project. You will develop a range of textile designs from and for this site. You will consider how this range could be designed to be sympathetic to this site and marketed as an innovative textile for this site. Patterns, repeats, individual or one-off designs for exteriors, interiors, spaces, walls, windows, floors or indoor and outdoor furniture. These textile designs should be experimental, conceptual, innovative, contemporary, and convey your interpretation of what 'urban patterning' could be."

Project Brief Response:
Profile and Site Analysis:

The particular place this series of textile designs will be situated is on the right hand side of a building, down a smelly, dirty alley way of Surry HIlls - near Taylor Square. This large four storey block of units consists of an old rusting external piping system on a large dirty brick wall. The small lane, the building is parallel to, is dirty and uninviting. On my initial visit to this site - about six different garbage bins were out, sitting in the open right next to the front door.
My proposed textile design, in relation to this site is to create a series of wall hangings that can complement the surroundings of this site. The idea of using rubbish and dirty motifs can further reiterate the surrounds, and transform this dirty place into an interesting site. The first design - The Monsters repeat (silk screen printing) was created using rubbish as motifs throughout the design, particularly things that would be found in the garbage. The cigarettes (created using machine sewing, lettroset and applique) - conveys the form of a cigarette butt, which I had noticed around the site. The idea of this usually assumed dirty object can be transformed into something aesthetically interesting.

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